Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Adventures at the dentist...

Paul had several fillings done today and they were so impressed with how well he behaved. He loves the dentist and I was not so sure he would love the dentist after the fillings! He handled the x-rays, fillings, everything without complaint. They couldn't believe it! Oh, he hasn't lost any baby teeth yet (he's 7) and they were concerned that he may be missing some permanent ones. After they did the full x-ray, they saw that he has all of his permanent teeth and it looks like he's going to lose most of them at the same time!! AKKK! Well, he wants to lose them! HA! She said it looks like one that usually isn't supposed to fall out yet may be the first. We'll have to wait and see...

Now, Valerie on the other hand was completely out of control! Yes, I know we were there for 2.5 hours, but she started up long before that. She was ok part of the time, but she screamed and cried most of the time. She seems to do that no matter where we are. She's 4, she should be past that by now! Geez! I was supposed to get my permanent crown on, but was unable to do it due to her. So I have to go back later this week. That stinks because this temp. is bothering me.

What else...we had a very busy, but fun weekend! Bridal shower, baby shower, and I had time to myself! Woo-hoo!

I went to the park yesterday and rode 2 miles on my bike! Now...if I can keep that up! It's been difficult for me to work out the last 3 years due to me being so sick. So I'm having to slowly start back up. I've been working out about 2 times a week for about 4-5 weeks now, but then I had all these dental issues and sickness from the medicine they gave me, so that threw me off. But, I'm getting back on track.


Anonymous said...

I have to say that my youngest who is 4 loves the dentist as well. He thinks it is the coolest thing to sit in the "big" chair. And @ least I know that I don't have the only 7 year old who hasn't lost all his teeth. Nate has only lost 3and I do believe he's going to loose all his at once too. They are all getting really loose right now.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that my youngest who is 4 loves the dentist as well. He thinks it is the coolest thing to sit in the "big" chair. And @ least I know that I don't have the only 7 year old who hasn't lost all his teeth. Nate has only lost 3and I do believe he's going to loose all his at once too. They are all getting really loose right now.