Monday, October 5, 2009

It's been a year....

WOW! I haven't updated my blog in a YEAR! How sad is that?! Well, no one ever read it so it was a waste of time. So, I thought I would update it anyway.

Way too much has happened to post. But in a nutshell...

Paul is Ranger of the Year again this year and also received the Gold Trail Award for earning everything for Ranger Kids. He is now a Discovery Ranger and is enjoying that as well. He also takes Taekwondo and is in his 2nd year of tennis. He and Valerie attend Korean school and are doing GREAT! I can't believe how much they can read, speak and write already!

Valerie is the Girl of the Year for Little Belles! She also received the prize for the most box tops (417) and the prize for having the most points out of all the girls (in all 3 age groups/levels). We're a bit competitive over here! :) She is also in her 2nd year of tennis.

Paul is in 3rd grade and Valerie is in Kindergarten. This school year is proving to be very busy, yet fruitful. We're a part of a great co-op and have met some great families there. This is our 2nd year there.

Ok, that's enought for now....who knows...I may post before next year! I guess you'll have to check back to find out! ;)