Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Adventures at the dentist...

Paul had several fillings done today and they were so impressed with how well he behaved. He loves the dentist and I was not so sure he would love the dentist after the fillings! He handled the x-rays, fillings, everything without complaint. They couldn't believe it! Oh, he hasn't lost any baby teeth yet (he's 7) and they were concerned that he may be missing some permanent ones. After they did the full x-ray, they saw that he has all of his permanent teeth and it looks like he's going to lose most of them at the same time!! AKKK! Well, he wants to lose them! HA! She said it looks like one that usually isn't supposed to fall out yet may be the first. We'll have to wait and see...

Now, Valerie on the other hand was completely out of control! Yes, I know we were there for 2.5 hours, but she started up long before that. She was ok part of the time, but she screamed and cried most of the time. She seems to do that no matter where we are. She's 4, she should be past that by now! Geez! I was supposed to get my permanent crown on, but was unable to do it due to her. So I have to go back later this week. That stinks because this temp. is bothering me.

What else...we had a very busy, but fun weekend! Bridal shower, baby shower, and I had time to myself! Woo-hoo!

I went to the park yesterday and rode 2 miles on my bike! Now...if I can keep that up! It's been difficult for me to work out the last 3 years due to me being so sick. So I'm having to slowly start back up. I've been working out about 2 times a week for about 4-5 weeks now, but then I had all these dental issues and sickness from the medicine they gave me, so that threw me off. But, I'm getting back on track.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

And the prize goes too...

ME! Yes, I am the proud owner of the most boring blog! Yes, yes...stop people...no more pictures and autographs...please....I don't think I could sign one more!

I'm still trying to figure this blog out. I can post a picture, but it's in the post section. I would like to put a permanent one to the side. I would also like to fancy it all up some-but there's no way to do that free.

I'll continue to plod on...:)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Praise the Lord!

Well, I guess I should whine more often! Just as soon as I finished my other post where I was all frustrated, I figured out how to put pictures from photobucket on here. I had to re-size it and all, but I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Now, to figure everything else out!

Paul & Valerie

Photobucket Album


Ok. I've had about enough of this blog and I'm just getting started. I can't post pictures or anything. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong and the "helps" is just a bunch of technical computer feeds or something. Nothing that is explained. I even joined photobucket thinking I could post pictures on that and then put them on here. That's not working either.


I'm sure it's really easy and I'm just having a very bad blonde moment. Yes, I'm sure that's what it is as I'm a very intelligent crazy lady! HA!

Getting Started

Please be patient with me as I get this blog underway! I'm trying to design it, but it doesn't look like they offer much in the way of designs. I would like to post pictures too, but they come out too big. UGH!

I digress...

We had a very nice 4th of July! Mark (my husband) and Paul (my 7 year old) went to Six Flags on Fri. and Valerie (my 4 year old) and I went to the store and ran errands and just had fun. Oh, we also did crafts (her idea).

Paul's 7th birthday was Sun. and we had a really nice and relaxing day!

We're off to a friend's birthday party today! Lots of other fun stuff scheduled this week too!

Monday, July 7, 2008

UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! Please keep checking!